Fun with Arduino Contest

Think It – Build It – Share It!

  • Contest Start Date: 01 | Nov | 09
  • Contest End Date: 31 | Dec | 09
  • Judging Begins: 01 | Jan | 10
  • Top 3 Winners Announced: 08 | Jan | 10

Prizes awarded to the top three Arduino projects. Projects will be judged by Shawn Augustson of, Guilherme Martins of, Dr. Alison Colman of, and we will also accept viewer submitted votes through Twitter

How to Enter: Contestants must create a project using the Arduino (any board). The project must be geared towards the beginner to intermediate user to help learn more about what the Arduino is and can do. Project can have already been submitted elsewhere, for example you already published it on another site like Instructables, etc.

Each project MUST HAVE the following in order to be considered:

  • Photo of the finished project
  • YouTube or other service video showing the project working
  • Step by step supporting documentation on how a user can complete your project
  • Arduino code used for project
  • List of sources used, for example if you borrowed ideas from another project on the web

(Optional) – Bonus points for adding a statement of what the Arduino has meant to you.

How to Submit Your Project: Send photos, documentation, links to your video and your arduino sketch pasted into a text file to shawn at arduinofun dot com. Projects will then be posted to (you remain the project owner, we will not use projects in anything other than published to


POP UP LX 09 – Vox Pop from popupcity on Vimeo.

POPUP is an Urban Art event realized by Hugo Israel, there will be installations, performances, sculptures, live music, illustrations and many other cool things. If you are near Lisbon you got to mark this spot on your agenda.

I am participating with Bruno Canas on two interactive video instalations. Will have more details soon ;)

Talkie Walkie and made a challenge to build a robot only with one servo, and this was what I came up with.

I used the sound sensor I’ve done a few days ago and a little paper-boat + a servo and a box and this is the result :)

This how the puppet works:

A hole was digger on a card box, and the micro servo is glued to the box as you can see.
One piece of paper is glued to the servo horn, and this will make the puppet talk movement.
Another piece of paper is glued to the box and it will be fixed and hold the puppet.

This is how the puppet is glued to the paper supports.   ;)

PAPERduino’s design

This is a fully functional version of the Arduino. We eliminated the PCB and use paper and cardboard as support and the result is.. the PAPERduino :D

This is the the first version of the layout design, next we will try more designs, and another materials. You just need to print the top and the bottom layout, and glue them to any kind of support you want. We hope that you start making your own boards. If you do, please share your photos with us, we would love to see them  ;)

There is no USB direct connection, so to program the paperduino you will need some kind of FTDI cable or adapter. One of this products will be fine:
FTDI cable from Adafruit Industries
FTDI adapter from Sparkfun

Download PDF

Components list:
1 x 7805 Voltage regulator
2 x LEDs (different colors)
2 x 560 Ohm resistors (between 220oHm and 1K)
1 x 10k Ohm resistor
2 x 100 uF capacitors
1x 16 MHz clock crystal
2 x 22 pF capacitors
1 x 0.01 uF capacitor
1 x button
1 x Atmel ATMega168
1 x socket 28 pin
Female and Male headers

Use a needle to puncture the holes for your components.

Don’t rush, place one component after another and do all the solder work carefully.

Follow the connection lines.

And this should be the final look of your paperduino connections.

PAPERduino for ALL…… (with 2 stars)

and more..

AltLab opening with paper arduinos

I’m happy to introduce the paperduino  :D

This Tuesday AltLab had its first public session and we did a mini workshop on “paperduinos”, a new generation of cardboard arduinos. We had lots of fun and have many more ideas we’d like to try: different layouts, colored papers, and other materials. More info soon at AltLab.

G’Remote – Arduino based remote controller

27-August-2009 UPDATE:
My friend Gerhard from Germany asked me to build a walkthrough regarding the G-Remote, with part list, schematics and code. And here it is.  Enjoy  :D


This is my first attempt to make a custom remote controller, and also my first customized Arduino.
After seeing this post made by OddBot I wanted to try to make one myself.

I figured out that if I purchased one remote controller it would be cheaper than buying two of these and paying shipment to Portugal.

So, ripping the guts from a game remote controller I get two joysticks, a couple of buttons, two nice motors and one small lcd.

Each joystick have one button inside, that is cool  :-)

Now I have more control over my bots, specially the ones with two motors.. will post videos later.

no comments on this one :-)