Snail Light Seeker on WIRED :]

Build It. Share It. Profit. Can Open Source Hardware Work?

My Snail bot is on WIRED Magazine!!!     Amazing!   :D

WIRED Magazine wrote an excellent article about Arduino and open-hardware. My Snail bot is one of the four applications featured in the article.

I found some SEVERE problems. They didn´t place the sensor antennas in the correct position.. and its author name (me) isn´t featured anywhere.

But what the heck..  my “Snail Light Seeker” is on WIRED, together with ThingM and Adafruit produts  :]

It´s a very interesting article and a must read:
WIRED Arduino Article Link

Snail the Light Seeker

This creature roams through the surrounding environment and seeks for light sources. When an object is too close it reverses motion and turns around, and then goes on seeking light.

I used an old toy motor and platform, then added two LDR light sensors, a SHARP infrared sensor on the front and Arduino Diecimila for the brain.





11-11-08 UPDATE:
My Snail bot is on WIRED  :)