Talkie Walkie and made a challenge to build a robot only with one servo, and this was what I came up with.

I used the sound sensor I’ve done a few days ago and a little paper-boat + a servo and a box and this is the result :)

This how the puppet works:

A hole was digger on a card box, and the micro servo is glued to the box as you can see.
One piece of paper is glued to the servo horn, and this will make the puppet talk movement.
Another piece of paper is glued to the box and it will be fixed and hold the puppet.

This is how the puppet is glued to the paper supports.   ;)

Arduino Sound Sensor

Finally I have some time to continue with this investigation and great improvements were achieved with the circuit provided by Ant:

First here are the photos deleted by mistake from flickr:

Headsets microphones

Electrec thingey inside.

The circuit

This is a closeup of the circuit, I´ve added a 10uF capacitor to stabilize the output signal (it´s the green cap on the right).

The problem here is that I can´t imagine myself soldering all this components onto a pcb, I would like to have at least two of these, four would be awesome.

Click the following button to see source code for Arduino and Processing

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