Merv stands for Mini E-Revo, and this is my latest acquisition which turned out to become a hobby! Also it gives me what I eventually call “mechanics sensibility”, and due to the high level maintenance it requires, I am becoming a better maker and designer, as if I wouldn’t say so to myself!!
This car design and engineering is so top level and is like an open book, one can learn a lot just from looking it.

Of course the best part is when the car is able to be driven!

big br0 (work in progress)

Here goes my second robot. This turns out to be the 4th robot actually  :)

I found this offroad car in an old junk and it was love at first sight!

Now I want to add some brains and sensors and give him a new life :]

The steering DCmotor burned out and I’ve removed all the gears and stuff around it. I’ve made a hole and installed a servo motor to do the steering, it seems to work out good!  I can´t post a video because the motor shield I was using burned out as well, now I’m working on a custom motor driver  …  (it seems I’m having lots of burning issues lately)  :D



2008 – 09 – 22 —- update ———————————

My custom motor controller seems to work quite well!  These videos show the servo steering.