I couldn’t let this pass by without announcing it here, it’s just a simple tool to interface Max with Arduino back and forth.
Einstein VideoPlayer
Einstein VideoPlayer is a project that I initiated during a dance performance entitled “Einstein Dreams” created by Rui Horta. All this took place at Göteborg Opera in Sweden, September of 2010.
Einstein is not just a tool to play videos, it allows anyone to play a list of videos, cross fading between them, with the possibility to adjust the video output to many kinds of surfaces.
“Content is king”, I believe that this tool can be an ice breaker to anyone that intends to playback videos in thousands of different manners.
This is the first public release, however this will always be a work in progress project, and being open source we intend that you use, modify, hack and share this tool.
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List of features available ATM:
– playlist with file names;
– parametric crossfade between videos;
– parametric fade in and out to black and/or white;
– keystone / corner-pin adjustment;
– record and load custom presets.
Future versions will include:
– mask overlay with a PNG with transparency;
– independent multiplayer system (optional);
– one player as Master and the other player as Slave (optional);
– customization for several outputs;
– edge-blend;
– subtitle overlay;
– Improve modularity for fast prototyping and custom projects;
– Improve performance;
– Create the same GUI paradigm to control audio and light;
– Cue list to control everything;
– MIDI, DMX and OSC protocol to control Einstein, and to be controlled by Einstein.
Artica @ TEDxEdges
This TEDxEdges was a huge event, and Artica marked its presence on stage with the Einstein VideoPlayer adapted to play the videos between the talks, and with a video mapping system to display the data captured by biometric PLUX sensors.
There were 4 gloves on the room, and each person wearing a glove would be able to send its emotions to the assigned ‘TEDx’ letter.
I went to stage with André to briefly present Artica’s presence on the event, they mentioned the Farruscos playing sumo, the Magabot in telepresence mode being driven by Francisco Dias and finally what was behind the ‘TEDx’ letters.
In the foyer there were an arsenal of 5 Magabots all available to be remotelly controlled in Telepresence. This system is made with Skype and simple interface running on the robot side. So all you need is a Skype account and nothing more.
Gareth, Voodoobot, Birdmun and Ro-Bot-X from LetsMakeRobots were very present on the site, some of them even went outdoors and had a couple of adventures!! :)
This video shows an Avatar to Avatar encounter!!! Its me and Gareth giving a kiss.. lol
This is another view of the Foyer:
Then there were a troop of 10 Farruscos, Francisco Dias coded two of them to play sumo, and they are really fun to watch!!
Farruscos did made the day of kids! They were completly stunned with the little bots!
Artica’s team having lunch, the bests!! :) Fernando Gomes, André Almeida, Francisco Dias, Gonçalo Lopes and Guilherme Martins.
Artica’s founders, Guilherme Martins and André Almeida:
Max + Arduino + Industrial Motor
At Artica, we had a request to link MAXMSP to an industrial motor for an artistic installation witch we will speak about at another time.
This motor is a true beast, and since we have never worked with such a thing we decided to ask for help to our electronics guru David Palma.
David developed an electronic circuit to simulate a PWM analog output from 0 to 10v (originally it gives 0 to 5v), and another circuit to switch motors direction, both circuits were assembled on a shield and connected to the motor controller.
The first circuit is a transducer:
And this is the switch circuit that tell to the motor controller wich direction the motor will spin:
Then he builded an Arduino shield:
And the final part was the Max patch that send the direction states and the PWM values to the Arduino:
And this is the result:
And last but not the least all the source codes can be downloaded here
Curso de Introdução às Técnicas de Palco
na Culturgest das 10h00 às 13h00 e das 14h30 às 18h30
A inscrição poderá ser feita na bilheteira da Culturgest, por correio ou e-mail, com a entrega da ficha de inscrição devidamente preenchida.
Cada oficina terá um número mínimo de 14 formandos e um número máximo de 20 formandos. Caso não haja o número mínimo de formandos a oficina poderá ser cancelada, sendo devolvido o respectivo valor de inscrição.

Departamento de Artes Cénicas
Com o “Curso de Introdução às Técnicas de Palco” pretende-se fazer a iniciação nas áreas cénicas da Cenografia, Iluminação Cénica, Sonoplastia, Vídeo, Figurinos, Adereços e Caracterização. Cada tema terá uma oficina com a duração de um fim-de-semana. Serão sete entre Janeiro e Julho, uma por mês. Apesar de autónomas, estas oficinas permitem, no conjunto, uma visão alargada e integradora do universo das técnicas teatrais não performativas. O curso terá uma forte componente técnica, com espaço para a experimentação e criação por parte dos formandos.
Os destinatários são encenadores e coreógrafos que queiram ter conhecimentos básicos das diversas áreas cénicas, actores, bailarinos e performers interessados em dominar os aspectos técnicos para potenciar a sua capacidade performativa, profissionais da área do espectáculo para quem seja útil uma visão de conjunto das artes cénicas (produtores, directores de cena, directores técnicos) e estudantes dos cursos de artes cénicas.
Para estudantes universitários, o Curso de Introdução às Técnicas de Palco permite a obtenção de créditos ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), que serão emitidos pela Universidade de Évora. Cada oficina vale um crédito, o curso completo dá direito a sete créditos. Para a obtenção de créditos ECTS é obrigatória a apresentação de um trabalho escrito.
ILUMINAÇÃO CÉNICA 29 e 30 de Janeiro (Paulo Ramos) mais info
SONOPLASTIA 19 e 20 de Fevereiro (Rui Dâmaso) mais info
CENOGRAFIA 19 e 20 de Março (João Barros) mais info
FIGURINOS 16 e 17 de Abril (Mariana Sá Nogueira) mais info
ADEREÇOS 28 e 29 de Maio (Hernâni Saúde) mais info
CARACTERIZAÇÃO 18 e 19 de Junho (Aurora Gaia) mais info
VÍDEO 16 e 17 de Julho (Américo Firmino e Guilherme Martins) mais info
Nº OFICINAS | PREÇO | Preço para docentes e alunos do ensino oficial e funcionários das empresas do grupo CGD |
1 | 100,00€ | 75,00€ |
2 | 200,00€ | 150,00€ |
3 | 290,00€ | 220,00€ |
4 | 380,00€ | 285,00€ |
5 | 465,00€ | 350,00€ |
6 | 540,00€ | 405,00€ |
7* | 615,00€ | 450,00€ |
* O pagamento das sete oficinas pode ser feito em 3 prestações. |
Flowering Tree (from sketch to the real world)
This all started with Rui Horta’s idea of having a physical tree on stage that would support my visual projections. Rui Horta came up with a drawing and I quickly put it to 3D and sent to the great artist and set designer João Paulo Araújo who made this great master piece!
After the tree was finally built, I’ve made the first projection test, for this I created a program in Jitter, where I have a video running on the background, and on the foreground a .png transparent mask with the tree silhouette.
Everything fitted perfectly! We were astonished!!
For the subtitles I’ve created another program in Jitter that could run videos on the background and on the foreground the subtitles could be displayed and crossfaded one next to each another. Another cool feature of this program is the ability to run videos at different speedrates, this was very useful because most of the videos were created in sync with the music, was a bit tricky to sync the video with the orchester and chorus but not impossible. Another great help came from the composer João Godinho who was by my side telling me when to swap to the next subtitle.
Finally after one month of crazy hard-working days, and with a final week of non-stop working, troubleshooting, finetunning and problem solving everything worked so smoothed on the premiere, we were all thrilled and excited!!
Big thanks to André Almeira, André Sier and Sérgio Ferreira who are great tech advisors and always gave positive inputs.
I must also mention that the Gulbenkian crew was absolutely fantastic, without their help this epic task wouldn’t been achievable!
Click here if you want to see more photos.
Flowering Tree (photos)
Flowering Tree
Click here if you want to know more about the software that played the projections.
After the performance, there was a fantastic dinner with plenty of indian flavours and music and the tree was moved to the outside garden:
Trigger Finger
I never tried midi with MAX before, and I had this controller laying around, so I created a patch for future applications and to get used to midi.
Click the image to download the patch.
POP UP LX 09 – Vox Pop from popupcity on Vimeo.
POPUP is an Urban Art event realized by Hugo Israel, there will be installations, performances, sculptures, live music, illustrations and many other cool things. If you are near Lisbon you got to mark this spot on your agenda.
I am participating with Bruno Canas on two interactive video instalations. Will have more details soon ;)