
Back to the Origins

Has been a long time since my last robot project.

Recently everything related to FPV, Drones, and Robots in general have been occupying my mind. I wanted to create an FPV Terrestrial Drone experience to anyone without the need of having (in portugal we say “kit the unhas”, “nails kit”) skills to pilot an aerial drone.

This little project reminds me those times when I have time and patience, to build small robotic creatures just because the fun of it, I guess I’m getting very nostalgic with this one.


The Turnigy controller works just fine, and to get the sticks values I am using the very well documented code from Sparkfun Nick Poole


And this is the controller with the screen. There is still missing the video receiver and the battery.


More to come ;]


SapoBot is a robot that wonders through spaces avoiding obstacles detects holes on the ground, follow walls and follow lines, to change between behaviors you only need to press the shell, and when he detects a collision gives a frog sound. This project was comissioned by Sapo, means frog in portuguese.

This bots were made with a Farrusco chassis and Motoruino and once again with the great IDMind hardware and electronics skills, all the credits for the eyes mechanics and all the rest of the hardware upgrade goes to them.

The shell was made by Fernando and Margarida Antunes, don’t forget to check their amazing art work at

This is a Farrusco on steroids!! Only the pins 0 and 1 for serial communication are free, all the other pins are taken for a considerable amount of sensors and actuators: 3 infrared sensors to measure distances on the front, 3 infra red sensors facing the ground, a speaker, 1 RGB LED, 1 servo motor, 2 dc motors and 2 bumper micro-switches to detect collisions.

The eyes are meant to give some human expression to the bot, they turn organically to both sides according the direction that the robot takes.

We coded an application in Processing to check all the sensors and actuators, allowing to save settings on the microcontroller EEPROM. This code will be available on Artica’s github soon.

Time to drink some juice :]

And the result is a happy family!


Artica is a startup company created by me and my friend André Almeida, we decided to merge our skills and knowledge in many fields, from artificial intelligence, augmented reality, interactive media, visual contents, immersive installations, creative robotics, project management, set and light design, and many other cool stuff we have done in the past years.

We are still developing website and blog, so please keep visiting us and feel free to contact us anytime: all [at] artica [dot] ws all [at] artica [dot] cc

zezinho, the poser – interactive installation

This is the final result of the first stage of this project. An installation where zezinho calls for visitors and when a visitor reachs the mixing controllers he waits for new poses.

If you are nearby Lisbon, you can visit zezinho until 9 of July at:
FABRICA FEATURES Lisboa. Rua Garrett, nº83 | Megastore United Colors of Benetton, 4º andar | 1200-203 Lisboa