NightRider update A

I wasn’t happy with the hacked chassis, besides the caster wheel was freaking out my wife because it was making a lot of noise on the apartment’s pavement. Luckily me I had another brand new chassis, and so decided to swap all the electronics to the new one, and the result is great, glad I did it! With 4WD it moves really quicly and its motion is much more stable, besides I am feeding the motors with a 12V Lipo battery wich gives it a great pump.

The experiences I had are very fun, and the torch light is a great addon.

I still don’t like the way it is, with the battery exposed on the top GC is very high, besides the pan/tilt is very shaky when it moves in full speed.

I tried my first FPV experience with the Quanum Goggle Set from HobbyKing and it freak me out, running the thing in full speed and all the shakiness made me almost to throw up (lol). The screen that comes with the kit is just great. I think I will buy another kit just to have another screen.

I stick to the screen and connecting the receiver to the TV wich is great.

For now I will try to stick all the electronics inside the chassis and probably will make a shell for it, or at least try.

Shop Window – Interactive Instalation

Here we are at the Museu das Telecomunicações (Comunications Museum) in Lisbon.

One of the museum installations is a shop window, showing three old devices, and when you place your hand or finger one the window, content is displayed on the side screen… fair enough, but the truth is that is was lacking some more interactivity, and we suggested to have spot lights on each device, and every time someone touch the area, the spot would fade in and the others simply fade out. Another cool thing we added was a led-strip on the top, giving an ambient light when there was no interaction, and blue light when someone touch the glass, everything just faded smoothly.